Getting to Graz
How to travel to and around Graz?
Many roads lead to Austria’s second biggest city – and there are almost as many ways to get there. For instance, Graz can conveniently be reached by train, bus, car or plane.
Below you can find few recommendations about nearby hotels
How to travel to and around Graz?
Many roads lead to Austria’s second biggest city – and there are almost as many ways to get there. For instance, Graz can conveniently be reached by train, bus, car or plane.
Book a room for the conference via Graz Tourismus
Messeplatz 1/Messeturm, 8010 Graz
T +43/316/8075-47
There are a total of 7 single rooms, 15 double rooms, 1 quadruple room and 1 suite available for booking. The guest will receive a discount of 10% on the room rate, provided that the guest already announces at the time of reservation that he is coming to Graz on the basis of a TU Graz invitation. The discount is only possible for direct bookings (by phone or e-mail), but not for bookings via a booking platform (e.g.
Central location as a starting point for Graz
The highlights of Graz, the Capital of Culture and the World Heritage Site are mostly within a few minutes’ walk.
Quiet hotel, green courtyard
Peace and quiet away from the noise of the city and yet centrally located, whether as a couple or as preparation for your business meetings
HOSAN Hotelbetriebs GmbH
Anzengrubergasse 19
8010 Graz
Telefon: +43 664 / 640 25 98
Fax: +43 316 / 82 62 80-80
In the Hotel Mobene (8010 Graz, Kastellfeldgasse 14) a total of 9 double rooms, 2 triple rooms and 2 quadruple rooms (each 2 rooms with shared bathroom/WC) are available. Of course, all rooms can also be booked for single use.
The guest will receive a discount of 10% on the room rate, provided that the guest already announces at the time of reservation that he is coming to Graz on the basis of a TU Graz invitation. The discount is only possible for direct bookings (by phone or e-mail), but not for bookings via a booking platform (e.g.
Haus Mobene – Hotel Garni
Kastellfeldgasse 14
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (0)664/640 25 98
Fax: +43 (0)316/82 62 80-80
Rooms available from 89 Euros.
Hotel Gollner
Schlögelgasse 14
8010 Graz, Austria
T +43 316 82 25 21 0
F +43 316 22 52 17