
Below you can find few recommendations about nearby hotels

Getting to Graz

How to travel to and around Graz?
Many roads lead to Austria’s second biggest city – and there are almost as many ways to get there. For instance, Graz can conveniently be reached by train, bus, car or plane.

Graz Tourismus/Graz Convention Bureau

Book a room for the conference via Graz Tourismus
Messeplatz 1/Messeturm, 8010 Graz
T +43/316/8075-47

Hotel Aton Graz

There are a total of 7 single rooms, 15 double rooms, 1 quadruple room and 1 suite available for booking. The guest will receive a discount of 10% on the room rate, provided that the guest already announces at the time of reservation that he is coming to Graz on the basis of a TU Graz invitation. The discount is only possible for direct bookings (by phone or e-mail), but not for bookings via a booking platform (e.g.

Central location as a starting point for Graz
The highlights of Graz, the Capital of Culture and the World Heritage Site are mostly within a few minutes’ walk.
Quiet hotel, green courtyard
Peace and quiet away from the noise of the city and yet centrally located, whether as a couple or as preparation for your business meetings

HOSAN Hotelbetriebs GmbH
Anzengrubergasse 19
8010 Graz
Telefon: +43 664 / 640 25 98
Fax: +43 316 / 82 62 80-80

Hotel Mobene Graz

In the Hotel Mobene (8010 Graz, Kastellfeldgasse 14) a total of 9 double rooms, 2 triple rooms and 2 quadruple rooms (each 2 rooms with shared bathroom/WC) are available. Of course, all rooms can also be booked for single use.

The guest will receive a discount of 10% on the room rate, provided that the guest already announces at the time of reservation that he is coming to Graz on the basis of a TU Graz invitation. The discount is only possible for direct bookings (by phone or e-mail), but not for bookings via a booking platform (e.g.


Haus Mobene – Hotel Garni
Kastellfeldgasse 14
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (0)664/640 25 98
Fax: +43 (0)316/82 62 80-80

Hotel Gollner Graz

Rooms available from 89 Euros.

Hotel Gollner
Schlögelgasse 14
8010 Graz, Austria

T +43 316 82 25 21 0
F +43 316 22 52 17

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